COVID-19 Video Transcript

Video Description

We're Here When You're Ready. A special message during these uncertain times from Misselwood Events Executive Director Eileen Geyer.

Text Transcript

0:11 Hello, my name is Eileen Geyer

0:13 I'm the Executive Director of Misselwood Events

0:15 at Endicott College.

0:17 During these uncertain times,

0:18 we understand there are questions and hesitations

0:21 about booking an event during the COVID-19 pandemic.

0:25 While gatherings have been paused,

0:26 our staff is still working remotely,

0:29 providing expertise and empathetic service,

0:31 while we all do our part to flatten the curve.

0:34 Like you, we are monitoring the situation daily,

0:37 with the hopes to welcome back our customers

0:39 and groups to campus, when it is safe to do so.

0:42 In the meantime,

0:43 we're happy to talk to you about the possibilities.

0:45 Brighter days are on the horizon.

0:48 We're here when you're ready.

0:49 Thank you and be safe.